Monday, March 22, 2010
80 New Routes in 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
New Goal for 2010
This is the finest multipitch free-climb of its grade in the Southeast. If you want sustained climbing with big air and on perfect granite, this is the route for you. The Glass Menagerie is the obvious overhanging line up the center of the North Face of Looking Glass. It is equally good as an aid climb, as it is a free climb. Its cruxes are well protected and the rock is almost always stellar.
I have been on and aided the climb a couple of years ago. It took about 12 hours car to car. My plan for feeing it would take three to four days, or two weekends. The first two days, i would go up and figure out the crux pitches. The first crux pitch is Pitch 2: (5.12+ or C1) and the second and main crux is Pitch 4: (5.13 or C2). Day three rest, and day four go for the ground up send!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cycling Journal
Friday, March 5, 2010
80 New Routes in 2010
T-Wall and LRC

Went out to the Tennessee wall Wednesday to plug some gear and take a look at some of the sport climbing routes. Felt good to mix it up and climb on some cracks.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Weekend update

Saturday was probably the best weather the Chattanooga area has seen in a while. Temps in the low 50's with the sun shinning all day. LRC was a packed house with climber and parking slots filled. It was great to see everyone out! Pads everywhere!! Got on and sent a classic semi high ball problem called Kaya. So psyched to have 10 - 15 pads under me for this one. Was also able to send one of my nemesis called Instinct. I have probable tried the problem which is well within my limits something like 50 times. Changed my foot beta from a heel hook to just toeing down and sent second try with the new beta.