a) Build a Stronger Base/Onsite 8a
b) Omaha Beach, RRG. worked on it a lot last Fall.
c) Climb 80 new routes. NRG,Rifle,RRG, and T-Wall
d) Bolt a new climb this year. RRG
2) Training
a) Nutrition
1) More protein rich diet this spring(protein shakes after sessions)
2) Continue eating well (organic, Super foods)
b) Fitness
1) Strengths
a) Endurance
1) Continue climbing at the RED!!
2) Cycling( 4 hours a week)
b) Recovery
1) Cycling(one group ride a week)
2) Breathing techniques (warming up/relaxing at rests and while climbing)
c) Heart
1) Try really hard on routes
2) Do as many routes as possible (10 pitches a day)
2) Weaknesses
a) Finger Strength
2) Bouldering all winter(South)
3) One Campus session a week(on weeks the weather is bad)
b) Power
1) Bouldering all winter (South)
2) Climb powerful routes (NRG)
c) Flexibility
1) Stretch for 60 minutes a week
d) Core Strength
1) Climb more powerful steep routes(roofs/caves)
2) Body weight lever/Planche progressions
a) Omaha Beach training
1) Don't get sucked in
2) Climb lots of routes(climb B.O.H.IC.A., Flour Power, 40oz, and Madness in a day)
3) Climb UltraPerm (RRG)